Hilary Izatt

Assistant Professor 

Political Science 

SUNY Binghamton

I focus on Experimental Social Science, Political Psychology, and American and Comparative Politics.

How does electoral suppression affect political behavior? 

My research explores the role of psychology in political mobilization under suppressive institutions. Through survey experiments, natural experiments, and observational data with a regional focus in the U.S. and Asia. I demonstrate the conditions under which suppressive institutions produce demobilization among some voters and counter-mobilization among others. I use methods and theories developed in political psychology to test cases in both the  American and comparative contexts. 

I also conduct large randomized control experiments with research teams examining the relationship between inequality and mobilization in different comparative settings.


I am the recipient of the 2024 APSA Best Dissertation in Political Psychology Award

My research is supported by the National Science Foundation through the APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, the  Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies, the University of Michigan's Center for Education of Women, and the University of Michigan's International Institute. I am also a recipient of the University of Michigan's Rackham Graduate School Merit Fellowship. I was also a research assistant for the American National Election Survey 2024 iteration

I have presented original research at the American Political Science Association's annual meeting, the Midwest Political Science Association's annual meeting,  Vanderbilt University's Summer School in International Survey Methods, the International Studies Association's annual meeting, and the International Political Psychology Association's annual conference.